With the current state of affairs, a little bit of self-love goes a long way. Don’t let lockdown woes keep you from getting your body in shape, your immunity levels in check or attaining a balanced state of mind.
With the rise of internet bloggers and fitness gurus, wellness aspirations can hardly be deterred by social distancing. An elaborate time-consuming workout schedule, involving hours at the gym, isn’t the only way to stay fit. Wellness advice is more accessible than ever and self-motivation is the key to success.
We’ve compiled a list of quick, virtual recommendations, from the best fitness enthusiasts around the world for you to score your fitness goals:
- Start your day with a set of Suryanamaskar’s, guided by the Yoga Guru, Adriene Mishler’s Yoga with Adreiene.
- Get your hands on some delicious coffee and perk yourself up for an electric Zumba session of Dance Fitness with Jessica, on YouTube,.
- Put your culinary skills to the test- a healthy gut leads to a healthy body. Our recommendation for gourmet inspiration is definitely Food Heaven Show or Health Nut, both channels are treasure troves of healthy, doable, insta-worthy recipes. Remember to add good-old ghee to your meals; it is very important to take care of satiety. It also ensures the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and stabilize blood sugars. To get a head start on the benefits of closer-to-home, Ayurvedic Cooking check out this link.
- Mediation is a great way to gain mindfulness- an unbeatable option to battle those quarantine blues. Calm yourself with the guidance of Pure Meditation on Apple Music. Alternatively, spice up your Pilates workout with Spotify’s recommended playlist: The Sound of Pilates.
- Hydration is extremely important to purify your body. It aids with better circulation and keeping a healthy digestive system. Download the Healthify app to remind yourself to hydrate.
- A fitness ritual needs down time. Take a warm bath before bedtime to help you sleep like a baby and restore your skin’s natural glow. Bring out lavender bath salts and some rose petals, along with Lladro’s scented candles available at The Rose Store. A good night’s sleep will help your body repair and rejuvenate, by resting vital organs and clearing toxins out of others. We recommend ending your day with the calm app to help regulate your sleep cycle.
Routine is king but on days when you just can’t do any of the above, embrace your inner diva and sway to music, or steam it up and sweat it out with some tango sessions with a partner. Activating your endorphins during this lockdown is the best way to release your melancholic mood.